Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spicy Herb Vinaigrette

My cookbook collection long ago overflowed my kitchen bookshelf, and my attic is home to stacks of Food and Wine, Gourmet, and Bon Appetit.  My complete collection of  Martha Stewart Living is stored in a basement cabinet, and I periodically pull out a set of all issues from the current month for seasonal inspiration.  This year I have resolved to purge most of my old magazines and save just the recipes that delight me.  I am still torn over ripping out pages from MSL, but I don't mind removing those handy 4 part perforated cards in the center if each issue.  Today I am making Molasses Glazed Pork with a Spicy Herb Vinaigrette inspired by a "What's for Dinner?" tear-out page from Martha Stewart March 1998.